NEA Monthly Report April 2024

April on the Hill

Congress took a few weeks off in April after the March budget sprint, returning from April 8 – 19. With 2024 funding for the federal government wrapped up, upon its return, Congress turned its attention to the myriad items that have stacked up on its to-do list. This includes authorizing funds to rebuild Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge and provide military aid to Ukraine and Israel. Additionally, Congress began work on a business-supported tax bill, social media legislation, the reauthorization of a post–9/11 provision of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, among other matters.

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NEA Monthly Report March 2024


On the Hill

There are about 15 weeks of floor time in the Senate before the election (and before the next funding deadline), which creates both an opportunity and tough decisions for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He can pursue nominees, particularly judges, with a simple majority try to move bipartisan bills which his incumbents are eager to pass ahead of the election.

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NEA Monthly Report January 2024

On the Hill
The House cleared a stopgap spending bill on January 19 that officially keeps federal agencies funded through early March, sending the measure to President Joe Biden’s desk. The chamber approved the shutdown-averting legislation hours after the Senate’s relatively speedy passage. The measure, known as a continuing resolution, passed with mostly Democratic support in a 314-108 vote, a point sure to irritate conservatives who are already fuming over spending.

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NEA Monthly Report August 2023

Work On the Hill

House: Not in session; returning Sept. 12. | Senate: Not in session; returning Sept. 5

On July 27, House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on the Employee Retention Tax Credit. Witnesses included: Pat Cleary, President and CEO of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations; Linda M. Czipo, President and CEO of the New Jersey Center for Nonprofits; Larry Gray, Partner at Alfermann, Gray & Co CPAs LLC; and Roger Harris, President of Padgett Advisors.

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NEA Monthly Report February 2023

What’s Happening in Washington

February marked the true beginning of the 118th Congress now that all Committees are fully formed and organized. This also brought the first substantial hearings of the year which laid the groundwork of the Committee work and priorities this Congress. Lobbyit monitored all pertinent committee activities with an eye towards appropriations season.

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NEA Monthly Report December 2022

Month in Review

Before signing off for the year, the 117th Congress was able to come to a final agreement on an omnibus and funding for FY23. The agree­ment consists of all 12 FY 2023 appropriations bills that combined provide a total of $1.627 trillion in discretionary spending for the fiscal year. Of the total, $1,602 trillion represents base discretionary spending for the 12 spending measures, while $20.1 billion in disaster funding, $2.6 billion for wildfire suppression, and $2.3 billion in program integrity funding is subject to their own cap adjustments. (Some say the measure actually provides about $1.7 trillion after factoring in certain discretionary spending that is not scored.)

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NEA Monthly Report November 2022

What’s Happening in Washington

In November, members returned from elections and went straight into a lame duck session that is planned to be no-so-lame. Republicans will maintain a slim majority in the House and the Democrats have gained one seat in the Senate; a lot less Republican turn out materialized than people initially expected predicting a “red wave.” During the lame duck session, lawmakers are hoping to address at the minimum NOAA and appropriations, with additional potential for tax, mental health, and other packages.

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NEA Monthly Report October 2022

What’s Happening in Washington

Congress was out of session throughout October as Senators and Representatives focused on campaigning ahead of the competitive November midterm elections. While the results are sorted out and votes are tallied, it appears that Republicans will take a slim majority in the House of Representatives and control of the Senate will remain under Democratic control.

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NEA Monthly Report September 2022

Executive Summary

Last month, Congress was only in session eleven days of the entire month with the final vote set for September 30, giving members a full five weeks back home before Election Day. With Congress returning from recess and racing towards the midterm elections, many are eying the hot button issues they’ll be addressing this fall.

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NEA Monthly Report August 2022





NEA Monthly Report
Washington Update

While Congress was out of DC on recess for much of August, the Biden Administration kept busy with high profile announcements including additional aid to Ukraine and broad-scale student debt forgiveness for federal loans ($10,000 to $20,000 per student).

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